DISSS is us

Stichting Dutch Institute for Safe & Secure Spaces consists of a team of independent specialists. Each of our specialists has been carefully screened and selected based on their experience, expertise and commitment to safety and security, and their contributions to an inclusive environment. Our specialists are dedicated to promoting security, inclusivity and diversity in an innovative way. They are an integral part of our organisation and contribute to fulfilling our role in creating more safe and secure spaces.

DISSS is our Board

Anna van der Stok

Anna van der Stok is an experienced and innovative project, program, and transition manager, as well as a skilled coach. She is highly motivated to ensure people's happiness and believes in accomplishing work together. Holding a Master's degrees in Human Geography and Psychology, Anna is specializes in mobility themes such as road safety and Mobility as a Service (MAAS) and she has expertise in related technologies like Automated Driving Systems. In the past, she has driven innovation at Geodan and TomTom. Her unique blend of technical knowledge and people-management skills contribute significantly to her current role as the Director of Operations and Programs at the Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS). Anna's mantra is: "Technically everything is possible, but success ultimately depends on the person."

Peter van de Crommert

As a social geographer, Peter has extensive experience in geographical information systems and innovation management. Nowadays, next to his work for DISSS, through the Netherlands Police Peter is involved in Horizon Europe projects STARLIGHT, AHEAD, ENACT and ISFs MARIT-D. There he mainly focuses on LEA community building and stakeholder management tasks. Community engagement to Peter is the key to innovation and their uptake. During his previous endeavours, Peter was an EU Project manager for several DITSS projects including H2020 projects TRILLION, ANITA and currently running projects STARLIGHT and CYCLOPES where he is also the overall end-user Coordinator. Peter was also participating in ISFP projects Secu4All, ProSPeReS and QROC. Previously he was coordinator of the ISFP PRoTECT project.

Vivian Gravenberch

Vivian serves as a board member and the Head of Research and Marketing at DISSS. She earned a Master's degree in Investigative Criminology, specialising in geographical profiling and environmental criminology. Vivian is proficient in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), risk and vulnerability management in public spaces, and is a researcher on various criminology topics. Her strong suits include dissecting complex issues and illustrating them in an understandable manner. She then translates these into tangible outcomes like trainings, podcasts, videos, and written material. Her aim is to ensure all stakeholders have equal access to information, bearing in mind everyone absorbs information differently. Additionally, she serves as a treasurer for Stichting Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer (SVOB).

DISSS is our Advisory Board


Having worked in the world of European grants and incentives for more than twenty years, Afi has a broad experience in the development and support of (major and long-term) grant programmes, both local, regional and national. Afi has been in the lead of large scale grant consortia, worked as a grant auditor for Dutch ministries and was deeply involved in the making and execution of Dutch grant policy. Afi’s former employers include PNO Consultants, Ernst&Young and Andersen, as well as the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. She is now the driving force behind Subs Consultants. We are inspired by Afi’s positive energy and drive to do good for others, and look forward to making a difference together!

Netherlands Police

As the Head of Department of Science & Technology of The Netherlands Police, co-chair of Board of The Netherlands Federal Innovation Community, and current Chair of the European Clearing Board (EuCB, technical support for operations and investigations), Sven Hamelink is all about technology and innovation. Sven has been active in the security domain for nearly twenty years and brings along a vast network of both national and international specialists in the field. He connects the operational, technical and strategic level. Sven’s goal is to work on a strategic approach to realise innovations, tools and methodologies that make a difference in operations. We are very pleased to welcome Sven to our Advisory Board, and look forward to all the challenging questions he will very likely ask us.

Netherlands Police

As the former director of the Dutch Institute for Technology, Safety & Security, we know Leon Verver all too well, and we are delighted to welcome Leon to our Advisory Board. With over four decades of experience at Netherlands Police under his belt, Leon has been active as a quartermaster, liaison, and social innovator in both the public and private sector. He knows how to bridge the gaps between police units and other partners. We value Leon’s open and creative mind, practical approach, and desire to make a success out of anything he does, and we are grateful for his support for more safe & secure spaces!

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Marc Schuilenburg is Professor of Digital Surveillance at Erasmus University Rotterdam and has previously taught at the VU University of Amsterdam. He has authored various books, including “Hysteria: Crime, Media & Politics”. In addition, he is member of the Ethical Advisory Group of the National Police of the Netherlands. Marc’s specialties lie in the fields of Criminology and Philosophy. He is particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence, big data, algorithms, politics and crime control, and digital surveillance. We are delighted to welcome Marc on board. As an established laywer, philosopher and author, we are sure Marc will introduce us to new realms of the security and social domain. We are looking forward to an inspiring and fruitful partnership.

DISSS is our team of experts

Paul van Soomeren

Expert Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Security by Design.

Bram van Dijk

Expert Crime Prevention.

Tinus Kanters

Expert Smart Cities/Crowd Management.

Willem-Jan van den Heuvel

Research Advisor.

DISSS is our staff

Sara Houweling

Communications Advisor.

Melissa Somhorst

Project controller and adminstration.

Wendy Sieben

Office Assistant.

Gert Smit

Financial Advisor/controller.

HJ van der Tak

Legal Advisor.