The MARIT-D project, a collaboration between Dutch, Belgian, French, Portuguese and Spanish authorities, has developed an intelligence-led, data-driven approach to tackle maritime trafficking. The project's findings, including a refined detection tool, will be shared across EU Member States via EUROPOL's Innovation Lab, facilitating further cross-border collaboration.
This project provides a comprehensive analysis of the high-tech industry and innovative companies in East Brabant, Netherlands. It emphasizes on key sectors including robotics, quantum technology, and automotive, and examines their significance to law enforcement and various other industries.
The MARIT-NL project, a collaboration between multiple organisations in the Netherlands, has developed an intelligence-led, data-driven approach to tackle maritime trafficking. This tool will be further developed, tested and piloted in the Dutch innovation environment. DISSS is aiding with funding opportunities, communication and dissemination and the realisation of a scientific network related to maritime trafficking.
DISSS, together with the city of Mechelen, is organising a pilot workshop to test tools from the TRANSCEND toolbox with youngsters in the city of Mechelen. The goal of the toolbox is to help local and regional authorities to organise workshops or other types of events to involve citizens in increasing their own resilience against crime in general. DISSS is organising the pilot in Mechelen, on behalf of Efus.
The Municipality of Utrechtse Heuvelrug is making an ongoing effort to enhance traffic safety in the region. Comprehensive research has been conducted to address cut-through traffic and improve security for vulnerable road users in rural areas. DISSS is represented in this project by the Project Manager for Rural Area Road Safety. Key focus points of the project include efforts to decrease the amount of cut-through trafffic in the area, whilst increasing road safety for slow traffic including cyclists.
ENACT aims to develop a Knowledge Network for Security R&I in the Fighting Crime and Terrorism (FCT) area, aiming to support EU-funded security R&I and boost the uptake of innovation. It brings together a unique consortium, including law enforcement agencies, universities, research centres, and industry organisations, to facilitate knowledge exchange, ensure the availability of a structured knowledge base, improve market visibility, and ensure sustainability beyond the project duration..
Komt er een volgende Dance Parade Rotterdam? Die vraag is sinds de laatste editie in 2009, regelmatig gesteld, in de media en in de gemeenteraad, en door de organisator van destijds. In het huidige coalitieakkoord is de vraag gesteld welke consequenties de terugkeer van de Dance Parade heeft wanneer deze veilig en verantwoord georganiseerd wordt. ICEN advies, waarin DISSS'er Tinus Kanters